A Hot Object

A Hot Object

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Devil in the Details

There are many ways a writer can develop both the plot and the protagonist at the same time. Creating a Hot Object for your protagonist is one of them.

My Storybook Process (Part 2): creating new characters

My Storybook Process (Part 2): creating new characters

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series My Storybook Process

As I hit week two of creating the first Bunny and Witch storybook, there are already things that I’m creating and then throwing out. The part of me that created the stuff that goes in the trash is just going to have to accept that. This week is about the first stage of finding the characters I want in these books. The idea of them doesn’t quite exist yet.

Writing Awesome Dialogue

Writing Awesome Dialogue

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Power Up Your Dialogue

Here are 10 reasons writing dialogue and talking are not at all the same thing. Get tips on what to avoid and what to do when you want to write strong dialogue that moves action forward while revealing character.