
Actionable Information and Creative Inspiration for Writers and Illustrators. From Baby Books to YA Novels.


Find the RIGHT AGENT for YOU

There are 7 important things you need to know about agents in order to find the right one for you. Get here a list of the best agencies today and the best insider information that can help you win over your new agent.

How to Write Second Person Narrative

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Narrative

Find out how to write second person narrative and also – why you would ever want to use this, ever. Get the low-down on how Point of View drastically changes this particular narrative mode!

Literary Agent and Literary Attorney

This entry is part 2 of 23 in the series Publishing Biz

What is the difference between a literary agent and literary attorney? How do you know who you need and when? Find out the similarities and differences between these two very different types of publishing professionals.

How to Write First Person Narrative

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Narrative

Your narrator is arguably the most important character you create, because they are how we get the story. Find out the fine details of crafting a first-person narrator and how to write a first person narrative that knocks the socks off your readers!

Self Publishing vs. Traditional

This entry is part 3 of 23 in the series Publishing Biz

What is the best option, self-publishing or traditional publishing? There is a third option: hybrid publishing. Here’s the What and Why you should seriously consider being a hybrid author.

Every week I will send you writing advice, tips and in-depth tutorials.